Course Description

A webinar interview where Jackie and Dean address how to turn inward and listen for guidance.

Jackie Roberge & Dr. Dean Shrock

JackieJackie is a certified Holistic Cancer Coach, meditation teacher (and has her own meditation site, a certified Yoga Instructor (Yoga Bliss Research and Training Institute) and a Certified True Purpose Coach. She specializes and is passionate about helping people with cancer see their cancer in a new light and find the blessing hidden in their struggle. She helps them move from fear and anger to a place of more peace, joy and fulfillment.She has been practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM) and yoga daily for over 20 years. She has also pursued studies in TM, Belief Closet, Parts Work, Ayurvedic Medicine, Creative Meditation and Visualization, Reiki as well as Spiritual Psychotherapy and Psycho-oncology. DeanAfter completing a degree in psychology, in 1977 Dean began training to be a lecturer in a self-help program with its founder, Ken McCauley. In 1986 Dr. Shrock completed a post-doctoral internship where he developed a research proposal for the Cleveland Clinic to test the effectiveness of guided imagery with cancer patients. Dean also served as Director Of Mind-Body Medicine for a physician’s management group of 40 cancer centres. Here he developed and researched a wellness program, which he taught to thousands of cancer patients and their families. His book, Doctor’s Orders: Go Fishing, details this program and the insights he gained while teaching it. Can you imagine going to the doctor, and the doctor wrote you a prescription to go fishing, or whatever else brought you great joy? That’s what Dr. Shrock did with his cancer patients. And they loved it!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Webinar Recording

    • Your Cancer is Talking - Are you listening Audio Recording

    • Deep Healing Meditation